Saturday, December 22, 2012

Web Design Lombok

Lombok Theme dibuat untuk mendukung blogger-blogger lombok dalam dunia Web Design, web development dan web hosting di Lombok. Dengan menyediakan anda beragam theme baik wordpress, joomla, drupal, dan lainnya yang bisa di dowwnload gratis, anda bisa melakukan design sebebas-bebasnya terhadap website yang anda bikin.

Lombok Themes mempunyai koleksi theme yang banyak sekali, dan kebanyakan dari theme web tersebut adalah theme premium berbayar. Selama kami mampu kami akan terus mengupload theme-theme web yang cantik dan sangat bagus untuk web anda.

Lombok Themes sekali lagi datang memenuhi hajat anda dan sebagai wahana Web design lombok yang bermanfaat, semoga lombok themes web design ini bermanfaat ya..

Monday, December 10, 2012

Five Tourism Object in Lombok Island

Lombok Island is an Lesser Sunda Islands of Nusa Tenggara or separated by the Straits of Lombok and Bali in western Alas Strait to the east of Sumbawa. The island is roughly spherical with a kind of "tail" on the southwest side whose length is approximately 70 km. This area of ​​the island reaches 5435 km ², placing it on the list of the island by the breadth of the world. The main town on the island is Mataram.

1. Segara Anak Lake
Maybe make-agan agan, Lombok Island famous for its beaches, but on the other coast of Lombok island also has other attractions besides the beach, such as the Lake Segara Anak this.
Segara Anak Lake, is a lake formed in the caldera of Mount Rinjani altitude of 3775 masl. The scenery on the lake is amazing and very beautiful so many foreign and domestic travelers bendatangan and climb Mount Rinjani to witness the beauty of the lake TSB.
Segara Anak Lake which covers 1100 ha with a depth of 230 m and 2010 m asl The topography, Lake TSB lot of fish. Many people come there not only to the beauty of nature is menyakisikan but also at the same fishing.
In the middle of the lake they will form a new cone on Mount called New Finger ("incipient mountain", in Sasak language) in height 2376 meters above sea level. The volcano is erupting Puspa 2004 7 years ago.

2. 3 Gili
Actually, not just 3 dyke (small island) is only present on the island of Lombok, there are many other earthen dike around the island of Lombok, but it is three Gili whose name rocketed to international. 3 Gili this almost every day is never empty of tourists, both foreign, and domestic.
3 Gili is known as "3NP, no pollution, no police, no policy" (LOL). Gili is banned from entering the motor vehicle in order to maintain the sustainability of the air around the island to remain available fresh.Kendaraan among others such as bicycles, cidomo (horse carriage), and shoes / sandals (walking means). Access to this island, kira2 15 minutes from Senggigi Beach, then use a boat to Gili from wards, at a cost of $ 10,000.

3. Kuta Beach
Pantai Kuta, Lombok is a tourist spot on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The beach with white sand is located in a village called Desa Kuta. Kuta village started to become attractive tourist destination in Indonesia since the establishment of many new hotels. Besides the natural beauty that can be enjoyed in this village, once a year Sasak ceremony held in the village. This is a ceremony Nyale Bau. In this ceremony the sailors looking for worms Nyale at sea. According to legend, formerly a princess, named Princess Mandalika, very pretty, lots of princes and young people who want to marry him. Since he can not take a decision, he plunged into the sea. He previously promised that he would come back once a year. Her long hair became the Nyale worms.
Kuta Beach is likely to become a new icon for perpariwisataan Lombok. It could be said that because of development around the Kuta Beach area from solid, just as the construction of luxury hotels and Lombok International Airport (BIL)

4. Paradise Beach
"Heaven on Earth" is the most suitable according to ane nih beach. Paradise Beach is located in the southern part of East Lombok exactly Jerowaru, about 50km from the city Selong. The beach is known for having beautiful natural scenery and clean beaches and white sand, it is no wonder this beach called Paradise Beach. For those who love sports surf this beach is one of the choices. In addition there are a number of beach paradise beach in the southern region is very beautiful, like heaven on planet beach, beach kaliantan, cypress, bay Ekas with marine aquaculture appeal, referred to as the beautiful Gili.

5. Pine Beach
Pine Beach is located in East Lombok, located between Paradise Beach and Tanjung Ringgit. A lot of people still do not know most of Lombok place, probably because the place is quite secluded and access to the place is quite difficult to be the reason many people do not know Lombok itself, especially from outside the island of Lombok.
Cypress has white sand beaches, such as wheat flour spread widely. If agan-agan wanna look in the Indian Ocean directly, agan agan can rent boats from the shore crossing approximately 10 minutes to the island across the beach, and there will agan ane sure terbelanga eye view of the Indian Ocean blue sea corals are etched beautiful.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Partner Web Design Murah di Mataram

Partner Web Design Murah di Mataram - Membuat bisnis agar go online itu saat ini cukup mudah dengan hanya membuat web design murah berkualitas. Web design murah yang bukan murahan bisa anda dapatkan di bentang media. Bentang media sebuah lembaga profit tempat but web design paling murah di mataram. Harga web design mulai 1 juta rupiah, anda sudah terima web design bisnis anda sudah siap di akses ndi internet.

Nah, jika anda ingin mengunjungi bentang media silakan anda akses di Situs pembuat website ini juga menyediakan web hosting dan web domain yang serba murah. jangan khawatir, .pembuatan website anda akan di support 24 jam khusus untuk pembuatan web di mataram bisa di support offline.

Silakan anda pilih paket web design murah yang terbaik sesuai dengan tipe bisnis yang anda jalani. Inilah sekadar info tentang Partner Web Design Murah di Mataram, semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Template Seo Friendly ada 5 Kriterianya

Apa itu Seo friendly blogger template? nah, kali ini lombok themes akan sedikit berbagi tentang bagaimana kriteria sehingga sebuah templates bisa dikatakan tamplate seo friendly.

Baiklah, kriteria blogger template Seo friendly yang pertama harus Fast Loading. Kenapa fast loading, karena bagaimanapun canggihnya web anda tapi lola alias loading lambat maka secara otomatis ia sudah gak bisa dinamakan blogger seo friendly templates lagi.

Kriteria Seo friendly blogger template yang kedua, mempunyai heading title template. Gunanya adalah agar segera terindeks Google dan mesin pencari lain seperti bing

Kriteria Seo friendly blogger template yang ketiga, pastikan template dilengkapi dengan meta tag otomatis. Hal ini karena jika tak mempunyai meta tag otomatis akan susah terindeks google.
Untuk memasang META TAG. Silakan Login pada blog anda, klik rancangan, klik edit HTML kemudian Cari kode dibawah ini :


lalu ganti kode diatas dengan kode dibawah ini :

<meta content='deskripsikan tentang blog anda di sini' name='description'/>
<meta content='keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, dst.......' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>

Sekali lagi gunanya agar postingan anda lebih cepat dan mudah ditemukan google.

Nah, Kriteria Seo friendly blogger template yang keempat, templates anda itu harus dofollow. Kenapa harus dofollow? karena ini berpengaruh pada pengkatan traffik dan Alexa Rank anda nantinya.

Terakhir, Kriteria Seo friendly blogger template yang kelima, pastikan bahwa templates seo friendly anda itu memiliki fitur share widget atau social bookmark atau addthis button dibwah artikel. Gunanya, jelas, untuk membook mark setiap artikel yang ada baik oleh anda sendiri maupun oleh pengunjung anda.
Contoh share this misalnya bisa anda lihat dibawah ini :

Jika anda ingin seperti preview diatas anda tinggal tambahkan kode dibawah ini  di atas kode <div class='post-footer'> atau kalo mau agar saher this ini muncul dibawah judul post pastekan di atas kode <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

Ne Kodenya

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

Beres kan,  ya itulah sedikit tentang Seo friendly blogger template yang saya tau, jika anda beberapa templates seo friendly coba kunjungi posting lama 14 Perfect SEO Friendly Templates semoga teman-2 bisa share trik-2 dan kriteria-kriteria Seo friendly blogger template yang lain. Saya minta komentarnya ya

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wordpress Tricks 2 Reloaded theme

Are You Remember, once timeago, you find wordpress theme for SEO is name is Tricks Themes V1 ?. Yes, this theme gone long time and appears again now with a look and new facilities is new name Tricks 2 Reloaded theme

In a website of the theme creator we can read Tricks 2 Reloaded theme is actually not a new version of tricks theme but this theme is modified version from Tricks 2 WordPress Theme. But he says, he have added a few features on this theme such as PageNavi ready, related post script and breadcrumb so if you install this theme in your blog you no need to install PageNavi, breadcrumb and related post plugin.

If you want read full review of this wordpress theme, you can visit her site.
This is theme screenshoot :

You can download Here : Tricks 2 Reloaded theme
Old Version : Tricks Theme 2

WP-Clear Free Premium Theme of WP

WP-Clear Free Premium Theme is a clean, minimalist and professional-looking design. WP-Clear is one many theme by Its premium theme, you must have $59 minimally if you want to get it. But at this blog, you can download WP-Clear by 100% Free.

Now, WP-Clear was update 3.0 version and now offers a responsive design. In solostream website we know this theme was can to multiple page layouts and templates, plus a built-in control panel. Add it all up, and you've got a flexible, easy-to-use platform for your business blog, online magazine or business website.

WP-Clear Theme Features
  • Responsive Design Framework (Mobile Ready) – Adjusts to Browser Size
  • Theme Settings Page for Easy Customization
  • Quick and Easy Logo Integration
  • Featured Pages Slider
  • 2 Featured Articles Sliders (narrow and wide)
  • Featured Photos Slider
  • Featured Videos Slider
  • Alternate Home Page Template for Business Sites
  • YouTube Videos Page Template
  • Portfolio Page Template
  • Built-In Author Page
  • Multiple Home Page Post Layouts
  • Multiple Post and Page Layout Options
  • Featured Page Widget
  • YouTube Videos Widget
  • Category Posts Widget
  • Subscription Form Widget With Social Networking Integration
  • Footer Widgets
  • Multiple Banner Ad Locations
  • Automatic Post Thumbnails
  • And More
To see DEMO

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BlogNews Wordpress Theme Free, the perfect theme for your site

BlogNews Wordpress Theme Free is a premium theme by gabfire. But in this blog you can get it by free.

BlogNews Wordpress Theme is a multi-purpose and stylish magazine theme with a unique homepage that is aimed to those who want a more professional feel.

With seven alternate styles and advanced theme control panel options  BlogNews theme gives ability to run a Newspaper or Magazine style website.

There are many features include :

  1. Multiple Category Page Layouts: 3 different category layouts. Choose between Two-Column, Media or Default category templates to give a unique look to inner pages.
  2. Gabfire Gallery : To make your life easier, we have implemented custom post types for better organization. Custom Post Types include Gabfire media and photo galleries.
  3. Adv Module – Category Based Ads
  4. Includes an advertisement module along with “category based ad” option. Using this module you can display different ads for each categories.
  5. Fully Controllable Sliders : With given options on theme control panel, you can disable sliders, enable/disable auto rotation, set number of posts and many other options.
  6. Media Gallery Template : On theme control panel, define which category or categories to be displayed in media gallery mode using our nicely designed media gallery template.
  7. Flowplayer and jQuery Tools: Implemented awesome FLV Video Player and jQuery Tools of Flowplayer Oy
To see Demo this theme just click DEMO
and you can download arras theme free by click HERE

Arras Wordpress Theme Free

Arras Wordpress Theme Free is a Customizable WordPress Themes. This theme by the Project AR2. Arras Theme Free are many good features that can customize options.

As of now, you can download the Arras Theme by Free.

Current features this arras theme include:

  • Featured slideshow powered by FlexSlider
  • Three customizable post sections in homepage, with four different layouts.
  • Homepage layout customizable with WordPress 3.4′s Theme Customizer.
  • Customizable archives page with four different layouts.
  • Custom post types and taxonomies support, with Facebook-style taxonomies selection.
  • Two widgetized bottom sidebars in homepage.
  • Custom primary / secondary font selection.
  • Supports video, audio, gallery and image post formats.
  • Full-width, blog archives and redirect page templates.
  • Supports WordPress theme features: custom header, custom background, navigation menus and post thumbnails.
  • Relative post dates ( eg. 1 day ago, 5 hours ago, etc. )
  • Built on HTML5 and CSS3.
  • 5 custom color schemes to choose from.
  • Default widgets – Tabbed Sidebar, Featured Stories, Facebook Activity Box, Facebook Like Box, Google+ Badge, Twitter Feed, Video, Social Buttons.
  • Backend API to easily add new post sections, custom fonts, colors and theme options.
  • Ready for translation. PO files can be downloaded at
  • Child theme ready. WordPress action and filter hooks available.
Ok, just that i tell you about Arras Wordpress Theme Free. Happy day always
To see Demo of Arras Wordpress Theme Click HERE
And to download just click HERE

14 Perfect SEO Friendly Templates

A blogger surely need a 14 SEO friendly templates for his/her blogs. Tamplate seo friendly can make our blog go to  first rank in google. I was looking in around the world by surfing and search where seo friendly template perfectly. And now i was get it and i want share for you by free.

This seo template friendly for blogspot is my collection and i was save in Soo you can download its for use too at your blogs.

Ok, just this my article about SEO Friendly Template Blogspot. To Download, you can just click download or if you wan other SEO template you can visit the perfectly site for free hosting here  

  1. ZOOM Magazines 2
  2. Template_Blog_Fast_Loading_SEO
  3. SuperSimpleBlogScriptV2_5_7
  4. SimpleyGrey
  5. SimpleSEO
  6. simples-azul
  7. SEO_Friendly_Blogspot_Template
  8. PlatinumBloggerTemplate
  9. Johny_simplemag_template
  10. green_style_blogger_template_v
  11. bloggerized-adsense
  12. black-reog-warok
  14. template-nyoba-780
Thanks for bentang media that was share this for us

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wordpress Free Ebook From Cosa Aranda

Hallo bloggers, i back again tonight. I will share for you a free tutorial themes of wordpress. This wordpress tutorial by seo master of Indonesia Cosa Aranda.

You know Cosa is a popular professional bloggers ekspecially wordpress blog and websites. He is internet marketer too.

His wordpress book is very complete tutorial about wordpress themes, plugin, setting, seo and all. You can get for free.

Many free wordpress book that Cosa was shared for us but you must log in to his blog ini PanduanDasar.Com. There are many free ebook about wordpress

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Free Download and Review Movable WP Theme Premium

Movable theme is a premium theme designed, developed and released by Theme Junkie. It is a wonderful theme. I am also using this WordPress theme. The theme has so many features with itself.

- The theme is having a light background and dark text color. This is a perfect combination.
- The theme is also a socialized theme of WordPress.
- The theme comes under the Premium themes category of WordPress blog.
- It is a payable theme, the cost of the theme is $ 39.95. but iat this blog you have Free
- The home page of theme shows the content in a list form with small thumbnails too.
- The themes is also enabled with Social buttons on the left side of the theme.
- The visitor or the user of the website can also remove the widgets according to their choice on the home of the theme blog.
- Movable theme is also enabled with pre loaded premium useful widgets.

See Demo of Movable theme WP Premium HERE
Free Download Movable theme HERE

Review and Free Newspaper Theme Junkie

Use Newspaper Theme sponsored by Theme Junkie Theme to convert your WordPress blog into an online Newspaper by just simple installation of the theme in your blog. It can be done easily with the help of your WordPress Dashboard.

The theme has all the qualities through which you can create a perfect news portal by using a normal WordPress blog. The texture as well as the color combination of the site makes your site look like a online newspaper with images.

Features of NewsPaper Theme

Newspaper Layout
The theme is having a proper newspaper layout. After installing and activating the theme you will find your WordPress blog into the look of a newspaper which has all the key points related with your daily newspaper.
Multiple Articles On Home Page

The theme has the feature to list multiple and so many articles on the home page of the website. Exactly like a newspaper, you can post the news main news on the home page of your website.

Wide Banner
The theme has a wide image banner on the index page. Which can emphasize your most important or hot news on the home page of your WordPress Website. The wide attractive image can catch your eye which can help you increasing the interest of readers on your news portal.

See Newspaper Theme Demo Click HERE
Or Download now HERE

You can see other reviews this theme in hitgrove A Technology Blogs

Pemuda Premium Wordpress

Pro Pemuda Premium Wordpress Magazine Theme was designed with amazingly, fresh and simple. Its fast loading theme and easy to SEO instalations. This theme is by a indonesian Blogger

I personally interested than i will aplicate in my blogs. The design and its sufficient completeness to be a Magazine-like style. Comes out with 2 different colors, red and blue, and facilitated with “About” space on the top-right.

To see Pemuda Premium Wordpress demo Here
To download Pemuda Premium Wordpress Click Here

Video Plus WP Theme Free anda Review

Video Plus WP Theme Free and Review- Video Plus WP Theme by Theme Junkie has an wonderful theme in its collection to display the various images, pictures, wallpapers and videos screenshot on the home screen. This theme allows the admin to project the internal images and videos screenshots on the home page to promote the internal content.

Video Plus theme is a perfect premium theme to share videos on a WordPress blog. You can embed the videos from the various video sharing sharing websites like, etc. You can also show the thumbnails of videos on the home page of the website using this theme.

Features of Video Plus Theme

# Professional design and layout of the theme with user friendly development of template.
# Create thumbnails automatically for the video and images included posts.
# Featured slider including the thumbnails and large poster on the home page of the website.
# Navigational menu bar with proper drop down menu items to show the categories.
# One sidebar on home page and two sidebar widget area on each post.
# Four footer widget area sidebar below the page.

To See Video Plus WP Theme HERE
To download Video Plus WP Theme HERE

Review and Free Resizable Theme Junkie

Resizable theme is a latest theme launched by Theme Junkie. By this theme TJ added anothe wonderful premium theme into its collection. This theme comes under the magazine style theme collection for WordPress blog. It can also be a good option for those WordPress CMS users who are willing to have an premium quality WordPress theme for their online portal. The theme is well design as well as the typography of the theme is also maintained by the designer.

Follow the link for the live demo or preview of the Resizable theme. You can also purchase the theme online with the help of the link.
Resizable Theme Features

# 720 X 90 wide header banner advertisement placement.
# Menu bar to display pages and categories with proper navigation and rollovers menus.
# Featured content and image option on the home page.
# Widget area in sidebar for various features social bookmarking, connection, video sharing, advertisement display etc.
# Two sidebars on home page.
# Magazine style layout.
# Footer menu bar to show the categories for users comfortability
# Footer widget area.

To see demo Resizable theme HERE
To Downloda Resizable theme HERE

Garden Theme WP Theme Premium

Garden theme is a gallery genre theme. It comes under the category of portfolio or showcase kind of themes. The theme can convert your normal WordPress blog into an image gallery theme.

Theme Junkie is providing this theme in a very reasonable price. If you are thinking to create a wallpaper or image gallery or showcase related website with WP CMS. It is very easy to do by installing and activating the theme in the design section using your WP Dashboard. The theme comes under the premium theme collection of Theme Junkie.

Main Features of Garden Theme

Image Gallery Layout
The theme is having a layout to display the images in a proper manner. You can showcase all your pictures, images, wallpapers and photos online on your website. The order, settings and alignment of the images are also very good.

User Registration
By installing this theme you can also allow the other users to register in the site to upload their image / wallpaper files. They can also submit the pictures, iamges, wallpapers and photos on that particular website.

Wide Image Slider
After installing the theme in your website you will also get a wide image slider on the home page of your site. The image slider will change the image by self. You can attract the visitors by posting the most famous image on the home page of the website. Ratings You can also allow the visitors to rate your photos. Each an every image can be allowed to give points from 1 to 5.

Texture / Layout
The texture including fonts, color combination, layout and design of the theme can give a normal blog an image gallery look.

To See Garden theme DEMO Click HERE
To Download Garden theme HERE

You can see to other reviews in hitgrove A Technology Blog.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gadget WP Theme Pro-Premium

Gadget Theme is a simple, but well-liked many bloggers and web designers. Why, becouses its comes with a variety interesting features such as sliders, zoom picture etc. Many bloggers recommended using this theme for a small business like counter hp bussines or computer shop. You can also be used as the theme for youth community website or the blogger community portal.

See a demo of Gadget Theme
Please you can Download Gadget Theme for free HERE

Freshlife WP Themes Pro

Freshlife is a wordpress theme developed by Theme-Junkie.This is exactly looks like My theme.I have also purchased this theme from theme-junkie.Now I have the license for this theme.So i can Resell it or Distribute it.But here I don’t want to Sell anybody.You can have this Freshlife theme for free.Download this Freshlife Theme bellow,but before going Just checkout its features.This theme is well developed by Theme-junkie.It is fully optimized for Search Engines and this is a perfect example for SEO theme. See the bellow screen-shot how its look like.

Freshlife WordPress Theme Features :

Powerful & Easy-to-use Theme Options
Image/Text Logo Switcher + Custom Logo Support
Homepage Posts Style(Magazine/Traditional blog) Switcher(New!)
Compatible with WordPress 3.0+.
Custom Twitter & Flickr Widget(New!)
Author BIO box for single posts(New!)
Post Excerpts Control
Localization Ready
Automatic Thumbnail Creation (No Custom Fields)
Thumbnail Dimensions Configuration via Theme Options
Advertisement Management
Site Tracking Management (Google Analytics, StatCounter…)
Built-in FeedBurner/Twitter/Google Buzz/Facebook Support
Custom Page Templates (Full Width, Archives, Links, Redirect)
Custom Breadcrumb (No Plugins Needed!)
Threaded Comments
Widget Ready
Gravatar Ready
Dropdown Menu Navigation
Cross-Browsers Compatibility (IE6/7/8, Firefox, Safari…)
Forum Support
Fully optimized for SEO.
Search Engine Friendly.

Download Freshlife HERE
See Freshlife Demo HERE

Sporty Magazine 2

Sporty Magazine 2 is blogger template with premium looks, professional design, menu navigation dropdwon, featured slidehow content, news ticker, twitter widget, 3 column main page, 5 column footer page, social bookmark on postpage, all image host on blogger, SEO ready, and time script on top.

See Demo Sporty Magazine 2 Tamplate HERE
Or Download Sporty Magazine 2 Tamplate HERE

Johny Darkgamer

Johny Darkgamer is a magazine style for blogger. A tamplate games review absolute with black color background. It's a blogger template with right sidebar, magazine style blogspot template, featured content slider, tabview ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, breadcrumb navigation ready, and more. This template designed blog about games review and info

You can download
Johny Darkgamer HERE
Or Before you can see DEMO Johny Darkgamer , HERE

Wp Premium Forester Theme

This theme is great for news, its name is Wp Premium Forester Theme I've tried it on some of my website running very well.

You can also install some plugins that can make visitors stay on your website. This theme have weakness in small letters on the display and limited our creatively with the background design. But you can modifying the source code in the index of themes.

You can also make this Foresters theme for a community tamplate. Because there are many
columns which can be used to install with the various menus and features.

Another weakness is we cant setting with a perfect picture be easilly. The solustion, you must install a zoom picture wp plugin.

But you can find advantage this theme at user friendly, and visitor feel free to leave a comment and share to social bookmarking.

If you want to download this Wp Premium Forester Theme you can click HERE

Wp Theme Pro: Fashion Pro Theme

Still in Theme Junkie, this evening, I will upload Wp Theme Pro is name is Fashion Pro Theme. This expecially for a fashion website magazines themes.

Many features, plugin and seo setting can you use very easily. You can modified creatively with the function of many columns. But, you must make a big resolution pictures for perfect appearances.

You can make it seo friendly with many wp plugin, but you must ready a slower access. The solution is, you can install simple plug in or just the necessary pluggin

For see demo this Fashion Pro Theme you can acces HERE
For downloads This Fashion Pro Theme you can acces HERE

WP Theme Pro Division Theme

This is wp themes pro, is a perfect theme for portfolio theme or professional business. Its free and very easy to modified. Many features that can be used as a simple presentation. Lots of plugins can be easy installation in order to interactive with visitors. You can also installed variety seo plugin to top rank in google or other search engine be friendly.

If you want to see demo this wp themes pro, click HERE
or you want to download this wp themes pro HERE

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Daily theme

The Daily theme is designed to work for personal bloggers, online magazines, newspapers or community blogs, etc. If you’re looking for a beautiful looking magazine or blog theme then you’ve just found it.

The Daily theme is a perfect theme of wordpress. You can modify it and make all of wordpress plugin

See Demo HERE
Download HERE

Collection Theme

Collection Theme is a great theme for a community like blogger community of journalists Community who is combine multiple blogs in a main blog. This interesting if you could modify. equipped with a variety of features that makes it no less interesting theme of the theme-another theme on this blog

You can see Collection Theme Demo HERE
or Download HERE

Cleartype Theme

Cleartype Theme is a theme with a minimalist design and good at navigating.
You can make this theme as a versatile theme, eg for magazines, personal blogs, portals and more. .

Please see the demo of this cleartype theme HERE
Or download HERE

Chanel Pro Premium Theme

Chanelpro Theme is a product by Junkie theme. Chanel Pro is designed for news magazines or style magazines. The content theme is fast loading and very pleasing to the eye. This theme is perfect for news websites such as various science, technology, celebrity gossip, politics, finance

Some features of this theme, among others, the article features a slider with a small thumbnail image, Image auto, thumbnail images, with the corresponding post.

Please see Chanelpro Theme demo HERE
and download HERE

BigFood Theme By Themes Junkie

I will give you interesting theme tonigh. Is a still about news theme. Its name Bigfoot Theme By Junkie themes. It is suitable if you make weekly magazine sports , business magazines or artist magazine .

Here you can check out the Theme Options Screenshot and the some of it’s key features:

Powerful & Easy-to-use Theme Options
Image/Text Logo Switcher + Custom Logo Support(New!)
Post Excerpts Control(New!)
Localization Ready(New!)
Automatic Thumbnail Creation (No Custom Fields)
Thumbnail Dimensions Configuration via Theme Options
Advertisement Management
Site Tracking Management (Google Analytics, StatCounter…)
Built-in FeedBurner/Twitter/Google Buzz/Facebook Support
Custom Page Templates (Full Width, Archives, Links, Redirect)
Custom Breadcrumb (No Plugins Needed!)
Threaded Comments
Widget Ready
Gravatar Ready
Dropdown Menu Navigation
Cross-Browsers Compatibility (IE6/7/8, Firefox, Safari…)
Forum Support
Lifetime Upgrade
Affordable Price

Ok! you see domo before Bigfoot Theme HERE
And download Link HERE

Premium News Theme By Woo Themes

The Premium News Theme By Woo Themes is a perfect theme for local news portal or a community news.

in a Woo website you can find description like this
"The Premium News Theme By Woo Theme is a very first premium theme that we ever released. This theme may be a bit rough around the edges (in terms of its looks), but we’ve used the same solid base for all our subsequent themes. Enjoy this themes’ minimalistic beauty and make it your own today!"

Theme made ​​by woo themes may seem clean and transparent professional. Very nice look for anything in it. This theme can be modified if you have css or html knowledge.

I got this theme from woo themes and I share with you for free.

if you want download The Premium News Theme By Woo Themes please klik HERE

Congratulations creativity!